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Sorrow Halved (2019)

35mm to 16mm, Color and B&W, 5 min, Sound  

Directors:  Gabby Follett & Hogan Seidel

In 2019, Hogan Seidel and Gabby Sumney decided to tackle a yearly collaboration called Sorrow Halved–from the German idiom “Geteilte Freude ist doppelte Freude, geteilter Schmerz ist halber Schmerz.” or “A joy shared, is a joy doubled. A sorrow shared, is a sorrow halved.” The two queer artists took a shine to the idiom as they considered ways to subvert traditional notions of authorship and the experimental canon in their practice and their teaching.

The “sorrow” of singular creative genius that is often hailed in the experimental world felt counter to the lessons they were bringing to their students and to their approach to making queer art.

For one year, Gabby and Hogan took the same strip of 35mm clear leader and passed it back and forth every month. There were no restrictions on how to interact with the strip or limitations on materials. The artists were simply responding to each other through gestures.

Hogan & Gabby are both based in Boston, where they teach 16mm and experimental film. They both were interested in building pedagogical practices that incorporate collaborative modes of experimentation.


Peripheries Experimental Film and Video Festival, Chicago, Illinois, 2021
Fracto Film Encounter, Berlin, German, 2020
Split Videoart Festival,
Croatia, 2020
University Film and Video Association Conference,
Online, 2020