Objectionable Fruit (2025)
35mm/16mm/Super 8, Color and B&W, Four Projections, Sound, 20 min
Directors: Gabby Follett & Hogan Seidel
An experimental documentary in collaboration with artist Hogan Seidel that explores the enigmatic world of the Ginkgo tree, a living fossil that has silently witnessed the unfolding of Earth's deep time. Ginkgo trees have endured since the days of the prehistoric, surviving through myriad epochs of pollution, aggressive urban planning, and escalating climate disasters. Known scientifically as Ginkgo biloba, this species possesses a fascinating biological characteristic: the ability to switch sexes, blurring the lines traditionally used to define male and female in plant reproduction. This unique adaptability serves as a powerful metaphor in the pieces, echoing the complexities and fluidities of gender identity as experienced and interpreted by the film’s creator.
Release date: TBA